Kiwanis Club, Texas Ramp Project construct more than 50 wheelchair ramps in Hopkins County in 2023


The Sulphur Springs Kiwanis Club is known for its volunteerism, and since 2022, the club has filled an important niche for Hopkins County residents. Labor provided by Kiwanis members in 2023 built and installed more than 50 wheelchair ramps at the homes of mobility-impaired individuals — approximately one build per week. The service keeps local members busy, but they don’t accomplish it alone.

About a year and a half ago, the local Kiwanis Club joined the Texas Ramp Project, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides free wheelchair ramps to low-income older adults and people with disabilities identified by local health care providers. Ramps are built without regard to race, religion, ethnicity, age or gender, and with a vision that “no Texas resident shall lack safe access because of financial limitations.” Ramps are built exclusively with volunteer labor, keeping costs to a minimum.

–Sulphur Springs News Telegram, Enola Gay Mathews, Community Liaison, January 03, 2024